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women and heart disease

For years Heart Disease was widely thought of as a mans disease. That is not to say that women were not diagnosed rather there was less reported cases. However as later research would uncover, there was not less females with the condition, rather there was a larger percentage of women with undiagnosed Heart Disease.


In fact women are three times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer. It has been described as under researched, under diagnosed and under treated despite being the leading killer of Australian women. One of the reasons that womens heart disease may be under diagnosed and under treated, is that the signs and symptoms present differently in both men and women. the reason for this is not yet known and that is why it is so important to get the research behind it. Important work the heart foundation has been doing solidly for the last 10 years.

I believe there is a couple of reasons it is missed in women, first off, women are busy creatures, between work, kids and keeping the house in order, little niggles often get pushed to the bottom of the list. Secondly, not knowing that the symptoms are different can also contribute to not understanding exactly what those little niggles are saying. (in other words I don't think the blame can be placed squarely one shoulders of doctors!!) If we can get more awareness to the symptoms and the prevalence of heart disease and its effect on women i think it will go a long way to getting ahead of the battle!!

In the past 10 years The Heart Foundation has been at the helm of this fight putting together so many wonderful initiatives to spread awareness and raise vital funds to support research into women and Heart Disease. One of their more prominent initiatives is the annual Women and Heart Disease forum. This is a multidisciplinary forum bringing together professionals from cardiology, obstetrics oncology and public health discussing the effects of heart disease for women in their respective fields. 👏🏻

I truly believe that we can make a difference to women living with and those supporting women living with heart disease. Please visit The Heart Foundation website and have a read through all the wonderful and incredible things they do for women and the entire heart community.

Jess xx

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