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why is CHD awareness so important

Who ever hears about something and goes "oh, so thats what that is?!" we all have those moments and usually they are small and insignificant, however sometimes these moments happen with things that are more important. I had this moment about two years ago and it changed my life. What I heard? Congenital Heart Disease.

I will be the first to admit that I knew little to nothing about CHD or what it meant for me as a patient when I first started my journey. As my journey progressed and I started learning more about my condition and what CHD actually meant, I remember thinking, "why do I not know more about this?, and why are people not talking about it?!"

When people think about their hearts, they automatically think stroke and Heart Attack, as I used to as everyone does. This is not through ignorance but simply through a lack of attention on Congenital Heart Disease. People don't know what CHD stands for let alone vital stats or symptoms of the many and varied conditions. 

So, lets take a minute and shine a spot light on CHD and some of the vital stats that go surprisingly under the radar when it comes to heart health.

  1. 8 babies everyday are born some kind of heart defect. That is nearly 3000 every year. 

  2. There is no known cure for CHD 

  3. Approximately half of the people diagnosed will need surgery to correct the defect. 

  4. It is the leading cause of death in Australian babies.

  5. It is estimated that 32,000 young Australians under the age of 18 are living with Congenital Heart Disease. 

  6. Four young lives lost every week. 


With numbers like this, is it vital to shine a spotlight in CHD and get the crucial funds to research this disease that as yet has no cure. 

None of this is to say that heart attack and stroke are not important, they are. Arguably they effect more lives each year, and have very strong links with most CHD's. However at the same time we also need to have a better understanding of the detrimental effects of CHD and and that starts with education. 

Jess xx 

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