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I'm Jess, this is my first time blogging so bare with me. This is a blog about me, my life, my experiences and my opinions.  I have had a lot of experience in my short 20 years and I am eager to share them with you. The biggest topic I will be covering is that of CHD or Congenital Heart Disease as it is more commonly known. I have had a personal run in with CHD, having had Open Heart Surgery in March 2017, so it is a cause very close to my heart (excuse the pun). I was advised to write as part of my recovery and started writing in private journals as a cathartic pass time. I was feeling very isolated and like my feelings were wrong, but then I realised that if I was feeling like this there was probably others that were feeling that way as well. If sharing my story and my experiences can reach and help at least one person then I will feel like I have helped and served a purpose and that my experience wasn't in vain. I am so excited to share my journey with you and meet new people !!

Jess xx

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