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the CHD community

It can be an isolating process going through something that feels like it will never get better. Its a feeling I know all to well. When I first started on my journey I felt like I didn't belong, like I didn't deserve all the sympathy I was getting because, hey I wasn't the sickest, my story was not the most spectacular, so I should just get on with my life right?, these thoughts that turned into feelings floated around in my head for weeks, until one day my doctor put me onto the Heart Foundation Supporting Young Hearts group.


In a world full of what seems like constant negativity this is a group of shining souls who are constantly lifting each other up and supporting every single person no matter what there story is. This group allowed me to connect with people who had remarkably similar stories to mine and those who had entirely different stories. Being able to communicate with people who know what your going through and who understand the complexity of the emotions that come with that is something that can't be explained.

I am forever grateful for my journey, yes it sounds strange and I am not glad I had to have open heart surgery, but I am glad for the person it had made me. I am a stronger, better version of my self and I truly believe that this experience changed me in a good way.

I believe I have a responsibility to share my story and try to help people on their journey, while shining a much needed light on CHD and give the wider community a bit more understanding.

To those who feel like they are alone, I promise you the CHD community is with you, we support you and you can do this you are stronger than you think ❤️

Jess xx

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