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self care

The one thing I noticed when I was cooped up was how busy everyone is all the time, with work, with family, with life. We never really just slow down and take time to look after our selves. Some people feel selfish taking time for them selves but it is so so important not just for yourself but for everyone around you.

If you aren't taking care of your self your relationships with the people around you suffer dramatically. I know this from first hand experience. I was not the best version of myself for a long time and to some extent I'm still not, this meant that I was inadvertently sabotaging my relationships with the people that mean the most to me.

One of the best strategies I have found to manage this is to download a mindfulness app and just sit for even 10 minutes and just disconnect from the world around you. And if that doesn't work, run it out!!

This is something that I had recently lost focus on, this allowed room for depression/anxiety to set in, it was the perfect storm. It wasn't until someone pointed out to me that I needed to do something for my self, like a walk or a hobby of some kind that I really understood how much I felt like I didn't deserve that, I hadn't done anything therefore there was no reason for the time out of life. But what I didn't realise was that I needed that, my brain needed that, that time to reset and realign with my self.

The biggest lesson I have taken away from everything over the past 2 years is that everything happens for a reason, and that you need to learn to lose control otherwise you won't survive. Anyone who knows me knows that for me letting go of control is a massive deal and not something I am overly fond of so it has been a big adjustment and one that I am still getting used to but one that is so important.

So don't feel bad to tell people you need 10 minutes to yourself, don't ever feel like your not doing enough, your doing your best and that is always enough!

Jess xx

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