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my heart health and scar care routine

NOTE: I am in no way a medical professional and the following is simply my experience. Any concerns should be addressed with your doctor

After surgery there is so much to think about in terms of recovery that it can be hard to figure out where to start.

Here is the routine I have followed since my surgery;

1.    The visibility of my scar has never been a huge concern for me personally due its location on my back, however the amount of visible scar tissue around the scar was something I wanted to nip in the bud before it had a chance to develop. To do this I used a few products, I used ScarFx reusable tape for a number of weeks which worked really well however, lost it's stick quite quickly and ended up in my bed the next morning not on my scar. I also used a cream and found it the easiest and most effective way to look after my scar. But there is many products out there so find what works best for you!

2.    I also used Bio Oil to fade the redness and visibility of my scar. I love it because it is so easy to apply and it is so effective. It is also very easy to slot into your skin care routine after you shower.

3.    It is also important particularly coming into the warmer months, that you are ensuring it is not getting to much direct sunlight, or making sure to sunscreen the area particularly well. Due to the scar being such raw sensitive skin, getting burned or to much sin cane detrimental so it is vital that as much as possible it is protected E.g. not sun baking with it in direct sun and putting on sunscreen even if it isn't overly sunny.

In terms of actually looking after your heart there are a few different things you can do.

1.    Obviously moving more is a great way to look after your heart health. Keep an eye out for different events or initiatives that get organised, the Heart Foundation often have a few different things going on such as the "Don't get the sits" campaign they ran a few months ago.

2.    Eating healthy clean food is also really important, I know, it can be hard but if you can change your mentality it is the best thing you can do for your heart.

3.    Drink water!! its so simple yet so often the thing most overlooked. remember you can never drink to much water!!

Now that we are coming into the warmer months it is particularly important we are taking care of our scar, it seems counter intuitive to be looking after something that cause so many conflicted feelings but it is really important and may even help in your emotional recovery!

Jess xx

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