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anxiety and all its friends


(it is also important to note none of these are diagnosed conditions, they are simply the feelings and emotions I deal with on the daily) 

I have always lived a very anxious life, I worry about things that are happening, I even worry about things that aren't, but at times I know it has the potential flare up at highly stressful or emotional times, but it has become so ingrained in my everyday life that I have actually learned to live my life around it. Anxiety looks different on everyone, it may not materialise in you the same way it does the person next to you, and for me there are a few very obvious physical symptoms of my anxiety and honestly its as much of a surprise for me when it hits as anyone around me and I'm never sue which form its going to take.

Do you ever have those days where you just feel, blegh, and not for any particular identifiable reason, you just can't seem to to kick the sad, heavy feeling. Same. But instead of a day here or there I have consecutive days, sometimes weeks. I often times don't even realise until someone points it out to me, or I snap at someone for something I shouldn't. Then there is the days where it has gone so long unchecked that I sit in my room and cry, like actually sob. I guess its my bodies way of releasing everything I have been bottling up for weeks at a time. I've spoken little bit in the past about my worries pertaining to my heart surgery and pumphead syndrome, but this is different, not entirely unrelated, just different. This is almost like a depression but not being sad or hopeless just feeling like I can't be bothered with life or anything that comes with it.

Paranoia has hit me hard recently as well, it isn't something that has really effected me in the past and and it is a feeling that can be scary and overwhelming if you don't know what it is. It isn't something specific that sets me off it can be something random that hits so quickly I don't see it coming and usually it ruins the rest of my day, I become super intense and can't let it go, I get so worked up I get the shakes and I feel nauseous. A completely over exaggerated reaction to something that usually doesn't actually exist in the moment and most of the time never actually eventuates. The paranoia has led to obsessive compulsive tendencies that if ignored gets to the point of not sleeping and not eating. I have a compulsive need to go around the house after everyone is in bed and check all the doors and windows are locked and do things in a certain order, which your probably thinking, big deal so you have a set routine, so does every second person, but when it comes with a crippling fear that if you don't something terrible is going to happen, yeah that becomes and issue.

There are few techniques I use but definitely always try to find new and more effective techniques.

I find meditation and yoga definitely help centre you and bring you back to the present and ground you in reality. Headspace is a really good app for guided meditation! 

Be kind to yourself, give yourself a minute, an hour, a day. Sometimes you loose it, your human, it happens, but take the time, acknowledge the thought, then think about it logically and understand where it is coming from and then deal with it. 

TALK TO SOMEONE, I am the worst at this, but it is so important, if you don't want to talk to someone, write it down, a letter, a journal what ever you need to do. The minute you put it into words it doesn't seem so bad. 

Do you get anxious? What are your techniques? 

Jess xx 

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