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a message from the heart

I read this passage the other day and I think it is so profound and powerful "Like the brain, the heart generates a powerful electromagnetic field. The largest in the body. Studies suggest this field can be detected 8ft outside the body (for comparison, the brain only reaches 5ft) guys, your heart actually radiates energy 8ft from your body. It literally touches other people and it does so far more than your brain. Your life force, your love centre, your pulse TOUCHES other people, people you don't even know can feel your heart. People you pass on the street, people in line with you at the grocery store. That is so powerful. We are coming together all the time. You give energy to other people by simply being. Your heart matters, you matter. Know how powerful you are, put your hand on your chest and feel your heart beat, beat, beating and know that your purpose is larger than life." It got me thinking about life and the choices we make and how easy it is to be influenced by other people and slowly and with out you ever really noticing, you suddenly don't recognise who you have become. 

Im sure you've all had moments where you've been told you'r not good enough or your not strong enough, times when you feel like nothing you ever do is going to be good enough. It does more than knock the wind out of you, it crushes you. I've been there, you can be surrounded by people and feel completely alone just simply by the way they treat you. 

Theres so much pressure you've got to be smart, you've got to be cute you've got to be nice you've got to be all these things, I know you get it, theres pressure at home, at school, with friends. And for a long time, mostly in high school, I gave in to that pressure, I tried to change who I was because I thought people would accept me for it. They didn't. And I realised, dint know how to be anything except myself. I have spoken before about the internal battle I had with my body after my surgery. It's not a flaw, its just one more thing that makes me unique and I love it. How boring to be like everyone else. 

I just want you to know you are changing the world by simply existing, by putting your soul out into the universe. You are strong, you are brave and you are enough. 

Jess xx 

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